Current Lab Members
Spencer Mahaffey, MS
IT Principal Professional
Spencer is a computer scientist who has worked for over ten years with Drs. Saba, Tabakoff, and Hoffman on the development and maintaince of the PhenoGen website and on the processing of high throughput sequencing data. His extensive expertise in biology and genetics, as well as computer programming, has been invaluable in integrating high throughput omics data with behavioral/physiological data, adding new statistical and bioinformatics tools, developing fast and efficient processing pipelines for omics dataset, and seamlessly integrating HRDP data with other genetic resources, e.g., Rat Genome Database, Gene Expression Omnibus.
Jack pattee, phD
Research Associate
Cheyret wood, MS
Cheyret graduated from Idaho State Univerisity with a BS in Mathematics and minors in Biology and Statistics. She recently graduated with an MS in Biostatistics from the Colorado School of Public Health on the CU Anschutz Medical Campus. Her current research includes -omics data and utilizing continuous predictors in RNA-seq analysis.